
Roots Initiative Toolkit

From 2003-2006, the FCYO implemented and coordinated the Roots Initiative, a grantmaking and capacity-building project involving ten dynamic Youth Organizing groups from around the country. Overall, we hoped to develop, analyze and take action on information both macro and micro: macro considerations of the state of youth organizing practice, generally, as illustrated by the ten groups; and micro, focusing on ways to address specific capacity-building challenges faced by individual groups. This Toolkit provides, additionally, various suites of tools (in the form of templates, worksheets and exercises) that we hope are useful to organizations undertaking a broad range of organizational development efforts.


Invest/Divest: A Post Election Strategy to End Mass Incarceration and Fund Our Vision

On November 15, 2016, the Funders' Collaborative on Youth Organizing (FCYO) held the tenth webinar as part of our Youth Community Organizing Resource Exchange (Youth CORE), a set of projects that seeks to build a more powerful and well-connected youth organizing field. This webinar is titled Invest/Divest:A Post Election Strategy to End Mass Incarceration and Fund Our Vision.


Grassroots Fundraising as Movement Building: Build Your Base to Fund Your Budget

On September 29th, 2016 FCYO held the ninth Youth CORE webinar in partnership with the Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT). This webinar featured panelists from the Philadelphia Student Union, Survivors Organizing for Liberation and Casa de Paz & Volleyball Internacional discussing reducing reliance on foundation funding and building independent financial power.


FCYO 2016-2017 Program Info and Q&A Webinar

On August 30, 2016 FCYO held an information webinar on our programs launching in the 2016-2017 fiscal year, including our Moment to Movement Fund application process, Learning & Exchange Fund, Healthy Communities III, Capacity Building, Youth Organizing Landscape Map and more. View the recording here!


#BLM Commitments & Call To Action July 2016

The National Youth Alliance for Boys and Men of Color has released a statement in the wake of recent murders of people of color across the country.


Digital for Youth Power: How to use digital to recruit and move people to action

On June 23, 2016 FCYO held its 8th Youth CORE webinar as part of our Youth Community Organizing Resource Exchange (Youth CORE), a set of projects that seeks to build a more powerful and well-connected youth organizing field. This webinar examined how organizers are using digital tools - text messaging, social media, email and the web - to reach young people and their adult allies, bring them into a campaign and move them to action.


Campaign Strategies to Unlock Foundation Funding for Youth Organizing

In March of 2016, FCYO held the seventh webinar as part of our Youth Community Organizing Resource Exchange (Youth CORE), a set of projects that seeks to build a more powerful and well-connected youth organizing field. This webinar focused on Strategies to Unlock Foundation Funding for Youth Organizing


OPS 11 - Building Transformative Leadership: Data on the Impacts of Youth Organizing

Published in May, 2011, OPS 11 illustrates the power that youth organizing, specifically organizing for education reform, has on young people – from increasing self-efficacy and strengthening leadership capacity, to building collective power, academic motivation, and future commitment to civic engagement. Drawing on six years of data, OPS 11 expanded on OPS 10, “Building a Pipeline for Justice”, which underscored the importance of developing a pathway for young people to sustain the social justice movement.


Healing, Support, and Transformation: Supporting Young People's Needs While Organizing

In January of 2016, FCYO held the fifth webinar as part of our Youth Community Organizing Resource Exchange (Youth CORE), a set of projects that seeks to build a more powerful and well-connected youth organizing field. This webinar focused on Healing, Support, and Transformation: Supporting Young People's Needs While Organizing.


Momentum Based Organizing: Turning Moments into Mass Movements

In February of 2016, FCYO held the sixth webinar as part of our Youth Community Organizing Resource Exchange (Youth CORE), a set of projects that seeks to build a more powerful and well-connected youth organizing field. This webinar focused on Momentum Based Organizing: Turning Moments into Mass Movements.