
Panel: Youth of Color Leading Movements for Safety and Justice
On July 9, 2018 FCYO held a special funder strategy session focused on young people of color leading movements for safety and justice. Attendees got to hear lessons learned from young people of color who have been on the forefront of this movement, connecting the symptoms of violence to root causes of injustice.

Webinar: Youth Organizing for Power
Throughout the history of social movements in the U.S. and around the world, young people have played critical leadership roles. Over the past several decades, the youth organizing sector has grown in strength and impact. Yet most of our groups still struggle to achieve our ultimate aim - the Power to transform our communities. On March 15, 218, FCYO invited youth organizers and their allies to a virtual forum on to discuss key considerations for building meaningful power in the U.S. Over the past several years FCYO has analyzed how the youth organizing field approaches power building. We believe the central challenges facing youth organizers are reflective of those faced by organizers across the country. At the heart of those challenges is this critical question: how do we build the kind of power that transforms the conditions of everyday life for our people?

Virtual Funder Briefing: Youth Transforming School & Community Safety
he Funders' Collaborative on Youth Organizing, in collaboration with Communities for Just Schools Fund, held a Virtual Funder Brief: Youth Transforming School and Community Safety on MArch 21, 201a. This Virtual Funder Brief created the opportunity for Funders and Donors interested in the current conversations and actions regarding school community safety to learn more about youth-led grassroots efforts. The brief highlighted: The holistic movement to end violence and transform school and community safety led by young people of color Reflections on the walkouts and next steps for future actions and policy change How to center narratives and policies with a racial justice lens Victories and campaigns that are already in place to create safe, healthy and just schools and communities What Funders and Donors can do to support this young people in this moment

A Call to Funders: Support a Youth Movement for Safety and Justice for All
FCYO is creating a new fund to support young people organizing for safety and justice. This fund will focus on efforts that employ a racial justice lens and connect gun violence to other forms of systemic violence. It will look to connect young people across race and class to build unity and broader political power.

Transforming Young People and Communities: New Findings on the Impacts of Youth Organizing
Across the country, youth organizers have scored important policy victories, such as advocating for greater access to college prep curricula and introducing restorative justice models to replace punitive school discipline policies. As the field of youth organizing expands, a growing body of research is illuminating our understanding of youth organizing and the myriad ways in which participation in organizing shapes the lives of young people. Emerging research shows that involvement in youth organizing contributes to the social-emotional and academic development of young people in powerful ways, while also promoting their civic and community engagement.

New Research on the Impacts of Youth Organizing
This webinar highlighted emerging research across various studies on how involvement in youth organizing contributes to the social-emotional and academic development of young people in powerful ways, while also promoting their civic and community engagement, particularly for young people living in low-income communities and communities of color. This new research is beginning to indicate the engaging young people in organizing to address issues in their communities is in fact one of the most effective ways to support their holistic development.

Breaking Borders, Redefining Sanctuary Webinar
In this second webinar, FCYO and Global Action Project, a social justice youth media organization, lifted up impactful community-based transformative media organizing, in relation to campaigns that seek to expand the narrative framework around "sanctuary" and build local community defense infrastructure.

Sanctuary & Transformative Media Organizing Part 1: Sanctuary for All
On May 9th, 2017 FCYO held the first of a two-part webinar series on Sanctuary and Transformative Media Organizing. The first webinar focuses on how youth organizers are defining sanctuary and organizing around it in cities, neighborhoods, and schools.

OPS 5 - The West Coast Story: The Emergence of Youth Organizing in California
Published in 2004, OPS 5 analyzes the emergence and practice of youth organizing amidst California's bellwether politics and culture, and the immense geopolitical and cultural diversity of its subregions - Los Angeles, San Diego, the San Francisco Bay Area, and the Central Valley. OPS 5 was one of five installments that detailed the development of youth organizing in specific regions across the United States. Whether a “region” has a coherent identity is debatable. Still, this place-based dissection brings us closer to work that by definition is grounded in and led by communities.

Roots Initiative Toolkit
From 2003-2006, the FCYO implemented and coordinated the Roots Initiative, a grantmaking and capacity-building project involving ten dynamic Youth Organizing groups from around the country. Overall, we hoped to develop, analyze and take action on information both macro and micro: macro considerations of the state of youth organizing practice, generally, as illustrated by the ten groups; and micro, focusing on ways to address specific capacity-building challenges faced by individual groups. This Toolkit provides, additionally, various suites of tools (in the form of templates, worksheets and exercises) that we hope are useful to organizations undertaking a broad range of organizational development efforts.