Organizing to Win Lab 3

Amidst an era of heightened political turmoil and unrest, young people across the country are rising to meet this political moment and move forward a transformative vision and demands for structural change. They are knocking on doors, coordinating campaigns, orchestrating actions, and organizing whole communities in their pursuit of a more democratic society. As youth organizing groups look toward the future, however, they recognize that to achieve this level of transformative change will require a multipronged approach beyond the scope of standalone civic engagement strategies. With the impending precipitates of a decisive election year, it is more important than ever that youth organizers’ civic engagement practices are rooted in a long-term approach for building power.

It’s for this reason that FCYO is excited to announce our third Organizing to Win Lab (OWL 3) cohort! As the entry point to FCYO’s GenPower Labs, the Organizing to Win Lab is a one-year grantmaking initiative that supports a broad range of youth organizing groups addressing the most pressing issues of the moment. This year’s Organizing to Win Lab is centered around transforming civic engagement practices for sustainable, long-term impact. Over the next year, 15 organizations will come together in a shared learning and practice community focused on harnessing the organizing opportunities afforded by an election year to advance a long-term strategic orientation. 

We are thrilled to welcome the following organizations who will be joining us as part of this powerful and timely cohort: 

Latinos Unidos Siempre

InnerCity Struggle

Florida Student Power Alliance

Jolt Initiative

Asian American Organizing Project

Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC)

City Wide Youth Coalition, Inc.

AYPAL: Building API Community Power

Asian American Advocacy Fund

Maine Students Vote

Future Leaders of America

LOUD For Tomorrow

South Bay Youth Changemakers

New Hampshire Youth Movement

Southwest Workers Union