FCYO Announces $1.2 Million in Grants for the Organizing to Win Lab

POSTED: 11.5.2021

We face a pivotal moment in which youth organizing must build bases at significant scale, develop broad strategic alliances, and elevate public narratives that promote our vision of social justice and true democracy. FCYO is driven to support the youth organizing field develop its leadership capacity for the powerful social movements required to actualize this vision.

GenPower Labs - FCYO's three-tiered strategic grantmaking and capacity-building initiative is our response to the charges we face at this moment. The Organizing to Win Lab is the entry point to the GenPower Labs and a one-year grantmaking initiative and will support a broad range of youth organizing groups addressing the most pressing issues of the moment. 

After receiving nearly 150 applications
we are proud to distribute $1.2 million to resource 40 intergenerational, youth organizing groups across the country that are on the frontlines mobilizing for education, climate justice, immigration reform, housing justice, and more! 

Congratulations to our Organizing to Win Lab cohort of grantees;