Youth Organizing for Climate Action and Racial Equity 2.0

As we confront a growing climate crisis, it is becoming clear that the youth-led social justice movement will need to step up its capacity, strategy, and alignment in order to confront these threats and advance deep structural change– and young people are not idly standing by. From mass walkouts to negotiating local, state, and federal action, youth organizations are coming together to actualize their vision for a more just future. 

The inaugural Youth Organizing for Climate Action and Racial Equity (YO-CARE) cohort was a year-long learning community that supported youth organizing groups across the country in deepening their analyses of the root causes of climate injustice and racial inequality, while developing and sharpening their organizing capacities. In its next iteration, YO-CARE 2 is working to strengthen the relationships between emergent and legacy climate and environmental justice groups, while supporting their daily work through the application of FCYO’s Power to Win Framework. 

 Over the next two years, the cohort will undergo a capacity building program to expand their reach and influence, carry out short-term power-building experiments, and co-facilitate educational webinars with FCYO program staff to share their learnings with other youth organizers in the climate and environmental justice sector. 

 We are deeply excited to share with you the 15 groups that will be building power and leadership in youth organizing to address the intersections of a climate crisis and deep-seated racial inequities:


New York State Youth Leadership Council


New Mexico CAFé (Comunidades en Acción y de Fe)


Downwinders at Risk 

Detroit Area Youth Uniting Michigan (DAYUM)

Pilipino Workers Center of Southern California

The Semilla Project

Hawaii Peace and Justice



PODER (People Organizing to Demand Environmental & Economic Rights)

Jewish Youth Climate Movement (Greater NY Area Cohort)

Youth Vs Apocalypse

Amanecer People's Project